Get Estimate

A little explanation first. When you click on the Next Step button below, you will be able to enter some basic information to get you into our system. First you will be asked for the street address of the property to be serviced. Please be aware that our primary service area is displayed below in the green shaded areas.

Our Service Area Map

Image of Manotick Yardz's service area.
Our Service Area

Second, you will be asked which service you need an estimate for.

Yardz provides multiple service offerings. Your service choices at this time are Lawn Mowing, Pet Waste Removal, Fertiliser Spreading, Aeration and Leaf Cleanup. Use the cleanup button for Pet Waste Removal (“Poop Scooping”) or Leaf Cleanup and specific in the description. Note that a discount is available for dog owners that sign up for Lawn Mowing AND Pet waste removal as they will be scheduled to occur together. Note that we only support weekly and biweekly (every second week) mowing. Don’t worry about too much about the size of yard measurement as I will have to look anyway but feel free to try.

Finally, you will be asked to input your contact information and then to click the Submit button. You will see a confirmation message when your data has been entered. We will respond as quickly as we can.

Thank you for your request. Hope to see you at your yard soon.